2010年4月30日 星期五


未來呢幾年, 辛苦晒啦~!!

其實我個心仍然很野,我很想在外面多見世面。不過,博博下又博得到, 冇理由唔去馬既~

努力 -\___/-

2010年4月25日 星期日



Once upon a time there was a wise man

who used to go to the ocean

to do his writing.

He had a habit of walking

on the beach

before he began his work.

One day he was walking along

the shore.

As he looked down the beach,

he saw a human

figure moving like a dancer.

He smiled to himself to think

of someone who would

dance to the day.

So he began to walk faster

to catch up.

As he got closer, he saw

that it was a young man

and the young man wasn't dancing,

but instead he was reaching

down to the shore,

picking up something

and very gently throwing it

into the ocean.

As he got closer he called out,

"Good morning! What are you doing?"

The young man paused,

looked up and replied,

"Throwing starfish in the ocean."

"I guess I should have asked,

why are you throwing starfish in the ocean?"

"The sun is up and the tide is going out.

And if I don't throw them in they'll die."

"But, young man, don't you realize that

there are miles and miles of beach

and starfish all along it.

You can't possibly make a difference!"

The young man listened politely.

Then bent down, picked up another starfish

and threw it into the sea,

past the breaking waves and said-

"It made a difference for that one."


港大賽馬會防止自殺研究中心總監葉兆輝關注,有青少年在網上討論區組織自殺群組,可能令自殺風氣漫延,有研究指出,經歷親友自殺的人士,自殺風險較正常人 高出六成,社會需提高關注。葉兆輝表示,兩年前與東區醫院、警方及志願機構合作推行的社區防止自殺計劃,主動探訪區內單身人士,針對自殺者遺屬,提供協助 及輔導,令東區整體自殺數字,由08年的八十一宗,下跌至09年的五十六宗。 精神科醫生李德誠表示,抑鬱症患者會有較大衝動自殺,但普遍患者並不察覺已患病,身邊親友的關懷起到關鍵作用,多留意患者情緒及睡眠情況,並安排尋求醫生 協助。

happy staff

Here is a repeat of a story about a mayonaise jar and some golf balls with some suggestions you can apply to your life!

Variations of this story have been around for at least 30 years. It is currently making rounds on our web. Knowing this story is not enough. I created some suggestions how you can benefit from its message. They appear below.

When things in your life seem almost too much to handle, when 24 hours in a day are not enough, remember a mayonnaise jar and two beers.
A professor stood before his philosophy class and had some items in front of him.
When his class began, he wordlessly picked up a very large and empty Mayonnaise jar and proceeded to fill it with golf balls.
He then asked the students if his jar was full. They agreed that it was.
He then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into his jar. He shook it lightly. Pebbles rolled into open areas between his golf balls.
He then asked the students again if his jar was full.
They agreed it was.
The professor next picked up a box of sand and poured it into his jar. Of course, sand filled up everything else.
He asked once more if his jar was full. His students responded with a unanimous yes.
He then produced two beers from under his table and poured their entire contents into his jar effectively filling the empty space between each grain of sand.
His students laughed . . .
“Now,” he said as the laughter subsided, I want you to recognize that this jar represents your life. The golf balls are life's important things — your family, your children, your health, your friends and your favorite passions — and if everything else was lost and only they remained, your life would still be full.
These pebbles are other things that matter like your job, your house and your car.
Sand is everything elsesmall stuff. If you put it into your jar first, he continued, there is no room for your pebbles or your golf balls.
The same goes for life.
If you spend all your time and energy on small stuff you will never have room for those things that are important to you.
Pay attention to things that are critical to your happiness.
Spend time with your children.
Spend time with your parents.
Visit with grandparents.
Take time to get medical checkups.
Take your spouse out to dinner.
Play another 18.
There will always be time to clean your house and fix your disposal.
Take care of your golf balls firstthose things that really matter. Set your priorities.
The rest is just sand.
One of his students raised her hand and inquired what the beer represented.
He smiled and said, Im glad you asked. The beer just shows you that no matter how full your life may seem, there’s always room for a couple of beers with a friend.”

Here are some suggestions for you to apply this story to your own life!

With a marker, label each of your golf balls.

If your balls don't fill your jar, get a smaller jar.
The idea is that you should not increase the
number of important things in your life just so
you can fill your jar! If you find time for more
balls in your life, perhaps you aren't paying
enough attention to some of them that are
already in your jar! .

Leave a little room in your jar. Your life may need to make room for future developments.

You can use "Smarties" instead of pebbles.
They will make your life more colourful!

Use sugar instead of sand.

Use water instead of beer. Most of your sugar will disolve and show off your"Smarties"

Proudly display your jar and refer to it as your
“Sweet Life” jar!

P.S. Make certain to put a lid on your jar to protect it from flies and other pests — just like you have to protect your own life!

P.P.S. All of your sugar may not disolve so, as in life, your jar may need to be "shaken up" occassionaly to uncover some "Smarties".

2010年4月9日 星期五

魚翅婚宴--人情七五折 的荒謬理論 及 陰謀論

雖然呢份新聞真係好OUT, 不過我仍然係好想打呢一篇野出黎。
近期睇得多GAME THEORY, 越覺得呢個魚翅婚宴--人情七五折 係好荒謬。


魚已殺,你俾少D人情只係罰訂酒席既一對幸福新人,但你既出現,已經為DEMAND CURVE出左你既一份力,咁將來,魚仍是要殺。 何不你一收到張帖就問新人「你有冇魚翅先,你有我唔去, 你快D去訂少一份!如果係朋友,想我去,你叫埋其他FRD邊D人唔要魚翅,湊夠一木台一齊SKIP左O個樣送既,咁我咪去LOR!!」

只有你唔去,或於酒樓層面唔叫O個樣送,將來的DEMAND ESTIMATION才會下降。你只係俾少D人情,根本同DEMAND係兩碼子的事。

如果你認為俾少D人情係對新人既"懲罰",咁點解係要訂做七折呢? 俾少D其實對新人黎講係壓力不大。
以GAME THEORY既納許均衡黎講。
金錢 VS 請你食翅有面子。O係而家呢一輩人黎講,"唔請飲都唔係問題" 加上"先付酒席後回禮金"既制度下,請飲係為大家一齊鄧佢地高興同要應付親戚及要有面子,你俾STANDARD 500 同350, 分別唔大。反正佢都花左D錢請得你地飲,佢已經俾左錢,你之後俾佢既, 係佢賺返幾多,所以350 定500, 你呢個都係REINFORCEMENT!

人到, 新人賺到面子, 有350禮金, 除非你去到黑面, 生事, 如果唔係, 佢基本上已經賺左佢要O係一個賓客上賺到既大部份野。 新人, 冇蝕到, 魚商, 酒樓, 亦冇蝕到。

再者呢個係ONE OFF既EVENT, 對新人SUPPOSE 只會呢一世擺一次酒(或佢地都希望只係一次), 咁你罰佢又點? 佢冇TAKE TWO 既機會。

咁究竟,魚翅婚宴--人情七五折係罰左咩人, 又令咩人受益呢?

受益既, 大概只可以用陰謀論黎講。
1. 一D 又想有面子而講唔起(或唔想請)人食翅既人。

其實好又係一餐, 唔好又係一餐, 你俾D咩我食, 我都係預先買左張禮卷架啦~ 大家一齊打邊爐我都俾500你架啦~!! 大家開心咪算LOR~ 可惜佢地又要面呀~ 結果強行用呢個理由話自己環保,唔會俾翅你食, 最多我賺你少D~

2. 一D想食又唔想俾咁多人情既人
我口話唔食, 你唔環保, 但我又想食, 所以整個FACEBOOK GROUP, 同你講我人照到, 翅照食, 但係"罰"你我會俾少D 你~
所以講到尾, 如果真係跟住魚翅婚宴--人情七五折, 最SO既, 都係O個個只係俾350 就翅照食既人。

可能有人話, 我去到唔食翅架真係~!!!
但如上所講, 你人到左, 人地咪又係一早預左你O個份~!! 你唔食, 咪只係益左隔離陳大文個仔~! 對成個ECO-ECONOMIC WORLD黎講, 你既行動係冇VALUE.

最後, 呢個問題係冇可能咁易解決到, 其實呢個同減排一樣, 都係GAME THEORY入面既 Tragedy of the commons. 你唔食而其他人食埋你O個份, 根本呢個問題冇解決到。

咁究竟, 最後應該要點先可以令鯊魚唔絕種呢? 到各國領袖都傾得掂減排O個日, 應該就解決得到啦~

2010年4月3日 星期六

鬧著玩的東西 - 改寫身心健康八段錦


每天早上在中心跟隨著治療師的指導下,一邊聽著中國古典音樂,一邊似懂非懂的耍著八段錦,專注於一招一式之中,心情跟著音樂的旋律節奏,寧靜放鬆,彷彿可以把那些困擾他多時的家庭問題以及時常於他腦海中浮現的失敗經驗都暫時放下。只專心於身體動作,以至呼吸的深淺快慢,精神的集中於身體的某些部位或穴位。 習練八段錦既不用花費金錢,亦無空間限制。以前阿榮在家裡為生活每天營營役役的工作,都沒有為自己的身心健康建立良好的習慣,現在於醫院,每天早上耍八段錦,久而久之變成了一種習慣也是一個不錯的生活規律。


2010年4月2日 星期五


近期的我固然忙得不可開交,但我還是繼續有工作量上升的趨勢...哎呀...吃不消了嗎? 還是多點放假吧~? (結果只是DELAY CLINICAL WORK?)

天天努力下來,最後我在EASTER 前留下來的工作,已經足足有平時一個月的工作量~!!!


站著我work = life 的失衡生活,如果WORK有什麼不如意,不排除會萬念俱灰呢~ 哈哈哈~



但其實我也沒有買他新出的另外兩本書呀~!!! 還是看看他有沒有捐給醫院的圖書館吧。
