2009年7月19日 星期日

Goal Setting rules

1. The Most Important Rule Of Writing Your Goals Down That You Must Follow If You Want To Achieve Success

² The simple mechanical act of writing makes your goal visible and tangible.
That’s no longer just a thought

² It’s not enough to write your goal down…
… You have to describe it in complete detail

² After writing your goal down in complete details don’t forget to make it

² You can write it on a yellow note and stick it on your computer.

àThis will help you to stay focused on your goal and create a clear mental image of what you want.

2. WHY do you want to achieve your goal?

² List every single reason. Try to imagine all the benefits.

² Read your reasons first thing in the morning. Even better, frame them and hang them on the wall. It will keep you focused and motivated.

àThe truth is the longer the list, the stronger your motivation will be.

3. Every night write down a small task for the next day. Make it as tiny as you can. Something that would take 10-15 minutes.

² The secret is that the most difficult thing is to get started

² set big goals, but make your tasks small

4. Write personal success journal

² Success journal motivates you.

n By writing down your achievements you will be able to feel the progress. You will see how by small steps you’re moving closer and closer to your goal.

² Success journal eliminates temptation.

n It will be easier to resist temptations since you know that you have to write down what you have done tonight.

² Success journal simplifies your life.

n Things become much simpler when they are written down. A journal makes you more tolerant of life’s distractions. However you should be aware of three rules of keeping a success journal:

² Write only what you’ve done.

n Don’t write what you still haven’t done and what you have to do tomorrow. List only accomplished tasks and achievements.

² List even small things.

n Everything counts! A phone call, a chapter of a textbook or your decision to pass by the chocolate cheesecake.

² Make it a daily habit.

n Don’t skip days! Even if you’re exhausted make sure you write at least 1-2 sentences in your success journal. Even if the only thing you did was thinking about your goal. I urge you to take a notebook and start to list all your completed tasks.

5. Take a piece of paper and answer three simple questions, imagine yourself doing the task. And it won’t be very difficult for you to get up and do it

² Where you are?

² What do you want to do?

² How you will feel while doing it?

6. Challenge yourself! And make progress.
