- 時間越黎越少, 發覺到手寫排版既好處,不過, 都唔係辦法...
- master list system develop到第二代都唔係幾滿意...多左一間D房, 開始system breakdown...
嗯... 遲D搞下第三代試下...
- 工作滿足感上上落落,跟住我既體力下降。
- 嗯! 我會報MASTER, 多謝關心~ 試D都會上其他HA COURSE. 就如此吧~
Problem identified:
- low work frustration
- low work speed
- low work tolerance
- poor work related social skills
OT management:
- please kindly offer social skills training to client
- continue full day work training and join different tasks force group