2009年8月29日 星期六


以一個忙裡偷閒的心情睇出面D MODEL, 有時真係得啖笑。
上次睇左日本人既流水式MODEL, 今次睇外國人既PDCA, PLAN-DO-CHECK-ACT, 你平時唔係都咁做既咩?
Unstructured goals without deadlines and disciplned planning are nothing more than wishlists. To achieve success, you must set highly specific goals with target completion dates, and start by developing the plan of PDCA to meet those goals and then put the plan into action.

返左工之後, 好多BLOG都打到一半就放棄左, 冇左件事...
BLOGGER 充斥住一堆既草稿,更可怕既係,LEAN MANAGEMENT既PDCA MODEL, 我其實老早就已經O係網上邊睇過...

唔好講笑, 遲D OT會唔會真係用返我覺得係得啖笑既日本人流水MODEL??
